Instruction: Lie on your back with your legs bent. Place your palms at the back of your head. Raise the upper part of your body a few inches forward and upwards with the help of your abdominal muscles. Return back to starting position. Repeat.
Instruction: Lie on your back with your legs bent. Place your palms at the back of your head. Raise the upper part of your body a few inches forward and upwards with the help of your abdominal muscles. Return back to starting position. Repeat.
Whether you need to lose weight, increase muscle or strength, reduce stress, improve sports performance or simply start to feel better, Dolphin Fitness Clubs have everything you need to help you to achieve your goal! More…
2402 86th St, Brooklyn, NY 11214
Phone : 1.718.333.0100
Hours: Open 24 hours
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