About Dolphin Fitness Personal Training

Dolphin Fitness Personal Trainers will help you build a safe and efficient workout plan to suit your fitness level and goals.

Get results fast with the Personal Trainer!

One on One personal trainings offer:

Customized Program
A program that is customized for you as an individual. Based on your lifestyle and availability, we can build this program around your schedule, making your time at the gym as productive as possible.

Body measurements
State of the Art body fat testing is available by appointment.

Want to recover better, grow faster and resist injury? Learn how proper warm-up and stretching procedures can enhance your training and overall health.

You can’t train with maximum efficiency unless you know how muscles work. Our lectures provide knowledge about muscle function and how to safely and effectively perform each exercise to maximize your efforts in workouts. Hands on and visual demonstrations will be included.

Not just what you eat, but how you eat. Learn to create a nutritional game plan to add muscle, get lean, or both. Sample diets, menus and recipes will be discussed.

Body Fat Control
To lose body fat you don’t have to eat less or loss muscle. Learn tips that professional bodybuilders use to lose body fat without cutting calories.
Get more from each workout with a Dolphin Fitness Personal Trainer.

To schedule your FREE orientation and fitness evaluation with a trainer, contact your nearest DFC Club. Click here for the list of Dolphin Fitness locations and phone numbers.

Our Trainers

dolphin fitness personal trainers Brooklyn New york